The damage done to ‘Syria’s oldest church’ seen first hand – Telegraph

The damage done to 'Syria's oldest church' seen first hand

The Syrian government has damaged one of the oldest churches in the world in a shelling attack that, residents say, was designed to deepen sectarian divisions.

One of the oldest churches in the world has been damaged during a government shelling attack in Syria.


The Greek Catholic Cathedral of Constantine and Helen in the rebel-held Yabroud, north of Damascus, dates back to approximately 200AD. It is born from the rocks of a pagan temple dedicated to the sun god Jupiter that is believed to have been built more than 1000 years before Christ.

The Telegraph visited the church hours after four artillery shells hit the building, in what local Christian residents said was a targeted attack by the Syrian regime.

Read more, with more pictures here:

The damage done to ‘Syria’s oldest church’ seen first hand – Telegraph