TURKEY For Patriarch Bartholomew, Pope Francis breathes new life in the “dialogue of love” between “Sister Churches” – Asia News

The decision to meet in Jerusalem in the spring of 2014 is particularly important coming on the 50th anniversary of the historic embrace between Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras. “We are very saddened by our failure to reach full communion, cause of so many evils among us Christians”.

Istanbul (AsiaNews) – During the solemn celebration in the Greek Byzantine rite of Saint Andrew, patron saint of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople the Apostle, Patriarch Bartholomew expressed his willingness to continue the dialogue with the “Sister Church” of Rome as well as his co conviction that with Pope Francis this dialogue will have “new blood”. Yesterday, before the meeting, a Vatican delegation visited for the first time in history the Halki Theological School in Istanbul.

As required by tradition, a Holy See delegation was again present at this year’s Saint Andrew celebration on behalf of Pope Francis. It included Card Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, the Council’s Secretary Bishop Brian Farrell and its Under Secretary Mgr Andrea Palmieri.

In his homily, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew said that during his long life, which has had its lot of suffering and persecution, the Church of Constantinople has been able to maintain its faith and bear its witness, spreading the message of our Lord Jesus Christ far and wide on our Earth.

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TURKEY For Patriarch Bartholomew, Pope Francis breathes new life in the “dialogue of love” between “Sister Churches” – Asia News