Ukrainian Greek Catholic Permanent Synod, London September 2009

In September 2009, London welcomed His Beatitude Lubomyr Husar, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and his fellow hierarchs of the Permanent Synod. Among the Synod’s business were preparations for the forthcoming Synod of the entire hierarchy of the Church planned to take place in Ukraine in 2010.

The Divine Liturgy celebrated on Sunday 27th September was the also the occasion for the installation of the new Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Exarchate of Great Britain, Bishop Hlib Lonchyna, in the Cathedral of the Holy Family, Duke Street, Mayfair.

His Beatitude installs Bishop Hlib Lonchyna

His Beatitude addressing the faithful at the Cathedral. Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster is in attendance.

Bishop Hlib blesses Cardinal Lubomyr and then His Grace the Archbishop of Westminster and the Papal Nuncio Archishop Faustino Sainz Munoz