Gift of the Patriarch of Moscow to Pope Francis is handed over to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI


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With grateful ackowldgement to the Russian Orthodox Church’s Department for External Relations

On 23 March 2013,
Pope Francis of Rome met with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in Castel Gandolfo,
papal summer residence. It was for the first time that after his election and
enthronement the Pope of Rome visited his retired predecessor.

After a short prayer, Pope Francis handed over to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
an icon of the Mother of God, called ‘Look Down with Favour on My Lowliness’,
which was presented to him in the end of private audience on March 20 by
Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s
Department for External Church Relations, on behalf of His Holiness Patriarch
Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. Metropolitan Hilarion said, “the first steps of
Your Holiness after the election were marked by lowliness and humility.” Pope
Francis replied that he lacked humility and asked for prayers to the Lord to
grant it to him.

While giving Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI the icon presented by His Holiness
Patriarch Kirill, Pope Francis said: I was told that this icon is called ‘Mother
of God of Humility’ and I dare say that I thought of you so humble in your
pontificate. “Thank you, such a gift!’ replied Pope Emeritus while taking the