Icons Today – 25-27 October 2012

British Association of Iconographers 10th Anniversary Exhibition

St Saviour’s Church Hall, St George’s Square, London SW1V 3QW, 1030 to 1830 daily (1600 Saturday). Nearest Tube: Pimlico

Over 150 hand-painted icons by 50 members of the Association will be on view.

Thursday 25th at 10-30 am – Opening by his Eminence Gregorios, Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain

Thursday 25th at 3-30 pm – English Romanesque Painting, Talk by Peter Murphy

Friday 26th at 4 pm – Living Prayer in Christianity, a Film by Jean-Claude Lubtchansk, presented by Richard Temple of the Temple Gallery – admission £10

Saturday 27th at 2-30 pm – Painting Icons: A Living Tradition Today, Talk by Dr Guillem Ramos-Poqui