Patriarch Gregorios attends Retirement of Maronite Patriarch

Gregorios III attends Maronite Patriarch’s Diamond Jubilee of Priesthood

On Saturday, 05 March 2011,
Patriarch Gregorios III, in company with the Syrian Catholic and Armenian
Catholic Patriarchs, attended the Jubilee and farewell celebration of the
Maronite Divine Liturgy in Bkerkeh, Lebanon, for Maronite Patriarch Emeritus, Cardinal
Mar Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, who, sixty years after his ordination as priest, and
almost fifty as bishop and twenty-five as Patriarch, has just retired from his official
functions at the age of ninety.

Also attending were the Prefect
of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, the
Apostolic Nuncio to Lebanon, Bishop Gabriele Caccia, presenting a gift from the
Pope, and many bishops from the Maronite and other Catholic Churches, the
Orthodox Churches and representatives of Protestant communions. Lebanese
President Michel Sleiman, Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Designate
Najib Mikati were also present, together with other political figures and

Pope Benedict XVI, in his letter
of 26 February 2011, accepting Patriarch Mar Nasrallah Boutros’ resignation
“made freely and generously, expressing great humility and profound detachment,”
wrote that he was “sure that [the Cardinal Patriarch] would always accompany
the way of the Maronite Church, through prayer, wise counsel and sacrifices.”

The Synod of Bishops of the
Maronite Church will begin meetings to elect a new leader on 9 March. The
process, including several days of spiritual retreat, may take up to fifteen

Valerie Chamberlain

Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches
visits Melkite Patriarch’s

Lebanese Residence


On 6 March, 2011, Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the
Congregation for the Oriental Churches, together with the Congregation’s Undersecretary,
Mgr. Maurizio Malvestiti, and in company with the Apostolic Nuncio to Lebanon,
Bishop Gabriele Caccia and his Adjutor, visited Patriarch Gregorios III of the
Melkite Greek Catholic Church at the patriarchal summer residence of Ain Traz.
Cardinal Sandri and the other visiting clergy admired the restored residence,
which, among its other functions, is very well adapted for meetings of the
Melkite Synod of Bishops. Later this year, the Ain Traz residence will be celebrating
the two hundredth anniversary of its foundation.


Valerie Chamberlain