Eternal Memory: John Jaques KHS, MBE

Very Revd John Salter, Chairman, writes:

John lost his wife, Caroline, only a few months before his own death. They both died of lung disease. John had been a member of the Society of St. John Chrysostom for many years, during which he acted as treasurer and membership secretary.

He had been a friend of long standing with Christopher Morris, in whose memory the Christopher Morris lecture was established.

By profession John was an architect and was one of the leading architects of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, and had intended to write an article for this edition of Chrysostom on the interesting work he had undertaken on the proposed restoration of the place of Christ`s burial and Resurrection and the difficulties he had encountered with the different leaders of the Latin and Orthodox Churches, who had property rights within the Church. 

John was a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, a Commander of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem and was in the Order of the British Empire.

John was a devout and traditional Catholic, but like the Recusant Families, he tended towards Cisalpine Catholicism rather than Ultramontanism. He was the epitome of a Catholic and English gentleman, always courteous, tolerant, humorous and a good friend of this Society and its members, who were well represented at his Requiem and Funeral at St. Mary`s, Cadogan Street, Chelsea, which was celebrated by Canon Stuart Wilson, the parish priest, with Fathers Mark Woodruff, George Dagas and John Salter as concelebrants. 

May John rest in peace and rise in glory!