Akathist Hymn offered for the Persecuted Church

St Mary’s parishioners & SSJC members, Canon Stuart Wilson (parish priest), Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius in the choir, Fr Mark Woodruff officiating (SSJC vice-chairman), parish patronal image of Our Lady of Chelsea, and the Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, the image now in the care of the Archbishop of Westminster at his titular church as Cardinal Priest of St Aloysius in Rome.

On Friday before the Fifth Saturday of Lent 2014, the Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God was offered at St Mary’s Catholic Church, Cadogan Street, in Chelsea, London SW3, by members of the Society of St John Chrysostom, joining the rector (Canon Stuart Wilson) and his parishioners after Stations of the Cross, and friends from the Fellowship of St Alban & St Sergius and Aid to the Church in Need UK. Five valiant friends formed a choir for the evening.

Given the intention for the evening’s worship, a retiring collection was taken an £266 raised towards the work of Aid to the Church in Need, which was represented by the UK General Secretary, Neville Kyrke-Smith.