As Church attacked, even the Heads of Egypt’s Eastern Catholic Churches pay tribute to General al-Sisi – Fides News Agency

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) – After messages of support from the Coptic Orthodox Church to General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, similar gestures of appreciation towards the strong man of the Egyptian army – and likely future candidate for the next presidential election – came from two Heads of the Catholic Churches in Egypt.

On Monday, January 27 The Supreme Council of the Egyptian armed forces promoted General al-Sisi from the rank of Colonel General to that of Field Marshal. A move interpreted by analysts as a green light to the presidential candidacy of the General, who currently also holds the positions of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense. According to Egyptian sources consulted by Fides Agency, both the Patriarch of Alexandria of the Catholic Copts Ibrahim Isaac Sidrak and the Eparch of Alexandria of the Armenian Catholics Kricor Okosdinos Coussa sent messages of congratulations to General al-Sisi. Patriarch Sidrak, in his message, invoked God’s blessing on the “great responsibility” that waits the possible future President of Egypt. Bishop Coussa stressed that the promotion is a well-deserved recognition for the dedication shown by al-Sisi in his service to the Country, so that the Egyptian people will soon enjoy “the return of peace and security”.

Meanwhile, on the afternoon of Tuesday, January 28th, a terrorist attack against a Coptic church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, in the western suburbs of Cairo, caused the death of a member of the security forces. In the evening, police sources gave news of the arrest of two terrorists responsible for the attack. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 29/01/2014)

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AFRICA/EGYPT – Even the Heads of Catholic Churches pay tribute to General al-Sisi – Fides News Agency