ASIA/LEBANON – Patriarch Rai at the Mass for Caritas: the war of attrition in the Country must stop – Fides News Agency

Bkerké (Agenzia Fides) – Political leaders and all those who wish to remain faithful to the Lebanese nation must put “an end to the attrition in the Country, giving confidence in the government in order to relaunch the legislative activity”. This is what the Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites, Boutros Bechara Rai said during the Mass celebrated at the patriarchal seat in Bkerké for operators of Caritas Lebanon to mark the start of the appointment of the new President, Father Paul Karam. In his homily, delivered on Sunday, March 16 during the celebration of the Liturgy, the Patriarch condemned the divisive tensions put in place by the opposing political forces that continue to threaten the unity of the Country of the cedars.

In particular, His Beatitude Rai reiterated the need to eliminate all the “concerns expressed in relation to the State as a unitary authority in reference to its territory, its people and its institutions” as is enshrined in the preamble of the Constitution in force in Lebanon.

The last conflict had arisen around the government’s statement published last week, where among other things reference was made to the “right of the Lebanese people to resist the Israeli occupation, reject its attacks and recover the occupied territories”. The representatives of the Kataeb party had interpreted this as an implicit recognition of engraved freedom of maneuver for the militias linked to the Shiite party of Hezbollah, and this is why they had threatened to abandon the government team which had just been formed under the leadership of Prime Minister Tammam Salam.

During the Mass, the Maronite Patriarch wished the new President of Caritas Lebanon to operate profitably in addressing the exorbitant problems that the body will be found to deal with.

Fr. Karam stresses that aid and prayer are needed. Caritas Lebanon has just received a donation of 750 thousand dollars from Belgium. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 18/03/2014)

ASIA/LEBANON – Patriarch Rai at the Mass for Caritas: the war of attrition in the Country must stop – Fides News Agency