Bishop Bechara Rai’s Third Report from the Middle East Synod

VATICAN CITY, OCT. 13, 2010 thamks to

On Wednesday, while Benedict XVI held his regular Wednesday general audience,
instead of attending the daily plenary session of the Special Assembly for the
Middle East of the Synod of Bishops, small dialogue groups met in various

Today the teams were given the freedom to choose the subjects for discussion,
according to the report submitted by the General Relator, Patriarch Antonios
Naguib. What are the points that the synod fathers want to emphasize? What are
the points they wish to be clarified?

They focused again on the goal of the synod, which is, in fact, an overview of
the reality of Christians and their present situation and their future
prospects in the countries of the Middle East. This is to be considered in
light of the Word of God, the Bible, Apostolic Tradition and the teachings of
the Church, in order for Christians to realize their place in the history of
salvation, in God’s salvation in the Middle East, where the Incarnation began,
and where redemption was fulfilled, and where the first Christian community was
established before any other.

Christians need to realize that they have a significant presence. This presence
and how to preserve it is the main topic and the main purpose of the synod.
Christians have an active presence in the Middle East that needs to be

On the other hand, the fathers focused on the communion between the churches
and the value of working together, the value of mutual respect, to have a
fruitful testimony in our societies. In the heart of this Catholic communion we
discussed communion with the Orthodox Churches, and the relations with Muslims
a nd other religions in the Middle East.


We also reviewed several issues that must be clarified, such as the term
“positive secularism,” and everyone agreed on calling it “civil
state.” Others wanted to clarify some of the concepts of citizenship and
human rights issues, wondering how can we preserve the Christian presence in
the Middle East if there is a lack of respect for human rights.

Some others emphasized the freedom of religion, because Christians in their
home countries are the original citizens and they have their basic rights and
equality with their brothers and fellow citizens, whether they are Muslims in
Arab countries or Jews in Israel.

We discussed the way to live our mission, and we asked local officials in Arab
countries and the international community to help Christians to live in dignity
and have their political and national, social and cultural rights. This was an
important topic tod ay, and we hope that through this consultation and thinking
together, we will reach out with one voice in today’s world that is a small
village, not just because of media and technology, but also as a result of

Therefore, we cannot live in countries that lack the basic human rights and
distinguish between minorities and majorities. This is what we want for the
countries of the Middle East. Lebanon is a living example of this. Here I
stress again the message of Lebanon in this area, where there is equality
between all religions and where human rights are respected, and we hope to move
the Lebanese experience to all countries in the Middle East.

These were some of the points we have focused on today.

Bishop Béchara Raï is the Catholic Maronite bishop of Jbeil, Lebanon, and the
president of the episcopal commission for communications in Lebanon. He is
currently a participant in the Special Assembly for the Mid dle East of the
Synod of Bishops, and is writing a daily briefing for ZENIT’s Arabic edition.