“Blessed are the peacemakers” – from Patriarch Gregorios III of Antioch

                                                                         Damascus, 3 August 2012

“Blessed are the peacemakers” 

With these words Our Lord exalts peace-makers, saying
that “they shall be called children of God.” (Matthew 5: 9). 
Through these same Gospel words, I should like to
explain the Church’s attitude to the widespread talk of arming Christians,
especially in Damascus:

No official has spoken to us about arming Christians.

We have never contacted any official and we have never
asked for our Christian children to be armed, in Damascus or elsewhere.

We have never considered – and never will – arming

Furthermore, we believe that the attempt to arm
Christians, from whatever quarter, involves a danger of sectarian conflict and
exposes predominantly Christian districts to attacks of unknown origin.

5.      We call upon all our faithful, in all parishes, to
refuse offers of arms. We remind them of the teachings of Our Lord, Jesus
Christ, “All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” (Matthew
26: 52) And also, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth… Blessed
are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew
5: 5 and 9)

We remind them likewise of Saint Paul’s teaching,
“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”
(Romans 12: 18)

Our role as Christians is one
of mediation and reconciliation: of being bridge-builders between the children
of the same homeland. That is the finest mission that we could carry out for
our country, Syria, for our brother and sister fellow-citizens of all
denominations, regardless of political party, tribe, region or persuasion.

We have not stopped calling for this, ever since the
outbreak of the crisis in March, 2011. That is the role of the Church and its
pastors – Patriarchs, bishops, priests – monks, nuns and lay-persons involved
in various sectors of activities and services of the Church. Our churches, schools,
institutions and confraternities are all schools of peace, faith, virtue, love
and frank, sincere fellow-citizenship and respect for all.

I recall a saying of the late Ecumenical Patriarch
Athenagoras of Constantinople, “I am no longer afraid, because I have laid
my weapons down!”


Our Lord calls us to this in the Holy Gospel, “It
is I, be not afraid!” (Matthew 14: 27; Mark 6: 50; John
6: 20) And also, “Be of good cheer! I have overcome the world.” (John
16: 33) And John the Evangelist tells us, “This is the victory that
overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5: 4) Let us add: faith
in our brethren, our homeland and our sincere, humane national values.


We pray God to deign to bring back love to the hearts
of all Syrians, so that they will have no need of weapons or fear of massacres,
for they will be living together, as children of the same family and the same


We implore him: God of peace, grant peace to our

+ Gregorios III       

                                                      Patriarch of Antioch and All the
East, o
f Alexandria and of Jerusalem