Chrsitians Flee Mosul, Iraq

MOSUL, Iraq, FEB. 18, 2010 thanks to

The Church’s
youngest archbishop is asking for prayers as more and more of his faithful
leave Mosul because of a violent intimidation campaign that has brought four
Christian deaths this week.

Archbishop Emil Shimoun Nona, 42, who has served as the head of the Mosul
Archdiocese for less than a month, told Aid to the Church in Need today that
the city’s few remaining Christians are panicked. Under the pressures of a
politically-motivated campaign to force Christians out of the city, many have

Archbishop Nona, whose predecessor was kidnapped and killed in 2008, said if
the situation does not improve, the ancient Christian community will disappear.

“If the situation continues as it has done, especially over the p ast few
days, all the people will leave. It is very difficult to live in this kind of
situation,” he told the charity group. “It is panic — panic always.
The Christians don’t know what will happen to them — it is the same
everywhere: in the office, at school or even at home. They don’t know if
somebody is going to kill them.”

This week, a 20-year-old student teacher, an engineering student, and two
traders have been killed in Mosul. Another student was injured. Another man was
kidnapped from his home.

Archbishop Nona confirmed the attacks had prompted more Christians to leave the
city, saying that Wednesday alone, he received news of up to 10 families
fleeing Mosul.

In 2000, as many as 5,000 Christian families lived in Mosul. They have endured
multiple attacks, particularly in September 2008, after which about half the
Christian population fled the city. Many of those subsequently returned.

Still, according to t he prelate, Mosul is the most dangerous place for Iraqi

He said there is a concerted effort to force Christians to leave the city,
though he admits, “We don’t know who is behind the attacks.”

“We think that they are politically-motivated — that some group has
something to gain if all Christians go,” Archbishop Nona said.

He added that Mosul authorities have claimed it is impossible to improve
security conditions for Christians, though Church leaders have repeatedly
requested it.

The archbishop affirmed: “We desperately need you to pray for us.”