Eternal Memory: Pope Shenouda of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria

The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre UK

Media and Public Relations Office


His Grace Bishop Angaelos,
General Bishop of The Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK announced the departure
of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III.


On 17th March
2012 His Grace Bishop Angaelos announced the departure of His Holiness Pope
Shenouda III, the 117th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of All
Africa on the holy Apostolic See of Saint Mark the Evangelist of the Coptic
Orthodox Church of Alexandria.

In a statement released
today Bishop Angaelos said the following:


“His Holiness Pope Shenouda III will be remembered by his Church
as a dedicated servant of God and of the people, a man who faithfully endured
through conflict, opposition, and persecution. His Holiness built upon the
foundation laid by our Lord Jesus Christ, enhancing the Church in a variety of
ways, encouraging a spirit of unity for all of humanity. May his prayers be
with us all, and may he find joy and rest in the Kingdom of our gracious Lord.”


The announcement came
during a sports ministry event at The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre involving
hundreds of youth from across the United Kingdom; His Grace commented that
“this was especially pertinent as youth ministry has always been one of the
passions of His Holiness and it would have given him joy to see this


His Holiness Pope Shenouda
was consecrated Pope of Alexandria on November 14, 1971, and under his
leadership the Church experienced rapid growth within Egypt and in the lands of
immigration, including the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia, with over 200
churches in North America being established, there being only 4 at the time of
his succession.


His Holiness gave weekly
meetings to over seven thousand people in the Cathedral of St. Mark in Cairo,
authored over 100 spiritual books, later translated into many languages for
consumption worldwide; he also ordained over 80 Metropolitans and Bishops and
over 600 priests.  


His Holiness was also
dedicated to ecumenism and helped to pave the way towards greater unity between
the Oriental, Catholic, and Protestant among other Churches worldwide being the
first pope in over 1500 years to visit the Vatican in 1973, agreeing to
establish joint commissions for dialogue on unity.


There will be a book of
condolence available at The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre from Monday 19th
March 2012 for those who would like to show their respects. Please contact
or phone 01438-745232.


His Memorial Service in Great Britain will take place on 24th March at the Coptic Cathedral of St George in Stevenage


For more information please contact:

Angela Mikhail

Media and Public Relations Officer

The Coptic Orthodox Church UK

Tel: +44 (0)207 1937076

Media and Public Relations Office

The Coptic Orthodox Church Centre

Shephalbury Manor

Broadhall Way, Stevenage

Hertfordshire SG2 8NP

England, United Kingdom

Tel.: +44 (0)207 1937076

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