From the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia: Christian & Muslim Co-Existence Must be Strong

must strengthen the foundations of Christian-Muslim coexistence”, His Holiness
Aram I

HRH Abdullah II of Jordan invited the Heads of Christian Communities in the
Middle East to meet in Amman from 3-4 October 2013 to discuss the challenges
they are facing as a result of the conflicts in the region.

His Holiness Aram I appointed Archbishops Sebouh Sarkissian, Prelate of
Armenians in Iran, and Nareg Alemezian, the Ecumenical Officer, to represent
him and read his message.

After thanking the King for the initiative, His Holiness Aram I stated that he
regretted the absence of Muslim Religious Leaders. Catholicos Aram I then
identified some issues for the consideration of the participants:

1. Referring to the theme of the gathering “Challenges that Christians are
facing today,” the Catholicos said that the challenges arising from the
conflicts affected everyone in the region, because the people of the Middle
East are one.

2. As one of the Presidents of the Middle East Council of Churches, he said
that although historically Christians have sometimes disagreed on theological
issues, they have always had a common mind on basic issues.

3. The moral and ethical values of Christians and Muslims, as two Monotheistic
religions, are rooted in similar principles, which transcend political

4. Christians and Muslims have lived in mutual recognition and respect for
centuries; their basic principles are founded on their common Monotheistic
religious roots. Today, religious communities should not emphasize differences
and incite mistrust and fear.

5. Referring to the centuries-long history and experiences of Armenians in
Armenia, Cilicia and the Middle East, he acknowledged that there have been dark
moments such as the 1915 Genocide of the Ottoman Turkey against the Armenians.
However, he stated, the tragic series of events surrounding the genocide were
due not to religious conflict, but to the imperialistic ambitions of the
Ottomans. Lebanon today is a vibrant example where 18 communities, including
that of the Armenians, continue living together.

6. Catholicos Aram I then identified the principles that should guide religious
communities in the Middle East:

a) Living one’s own faith does not mean excluding the other, the neighbour of
another faith.

b) No religion commends violence in any form.

c) Religions should not mix political goals and aspirations.

d) Mutual respect expressed through dialogue is rooted in the two religions.

7. In conclusion, His Holiness Aram I said, “Christians belong to the
Middle East and are part of its history. They have contributed to its culture
and civilization and have served as a bridge between East and West. Christians
in the Middle East are committed to dialogue and peaceful coexistence; they are
aware of their responsibilities and rights.”