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Further to Patriarch Gregorios’ Paschal Letter on New Evangelisation and the challenges of the current situation in Syria and the wider Holy Land region, here is the Patriarchate’s report on its assistance to displaced people, issued 28 April 2013.

Report on aid to displaced


April 2013


We have been able to make a single distribution of
$ 50 per family to 1, 200 families, thanks to the donation made in October 2012
by Pope Benedict XVI and members of the Synod on the New Evangelisation ($300,000 from the Pope and $700,000 from the Synodal Fathers.)


We have made a distribution of 125 parcels of winter
clothes to children, as well as 165 parcels of mattresses and eiderdowns (donated
by the Middle East Council of Churches.)

We have also been able to give medical assistance
to 450 patients, with 47 surgical operations and the issuance of 400 prescriptions,
£S 1,200, 000
in total.

The assistance provided by the Melkite Greek
Catholic Patriarchate
consisted of food,
drugs, medical assistance, assistance to relatives of terrorism victims and for
ransoming abductees, rents and rudimentary repairs to shell-damaged homes.

The poor have become even poorer and more disadvantaged
because of the crisis and trade embargo.

Our school in Damascus has lost 60% of its 1, 350
students and has had to transfer those remaining to other premises. Receipts
from school fees have significantly decreased. Shells have fallen on the
abandoned school, causing an estimated $ 500, 000 worth of damage.

It takes about $ 1,500 per month to support the Voluntary
Emergency Committee’s work.

In terms of administration, there are stationery and
transport costs, plus a few gifts.

A small committee also visits families to assess needs
and provide vital assistance.