Good Friday Arabic Catholic Hymn – Wa Habibi English Catholics will recognise the melody of this hymn, to which we sing the poignant penitential and Passiontide hymn, God of Mercy and Compassion. It is a French traditional tune (Au sang qu’un Dieu), associated with the 18th century composer Pergolesi. Here, in a moving example of ‘spiritual ecumenism’, in which the Christian East embraces something of the culture of the Western Catholic musical tradition, the famous Lebanese singer, Fairouz, sings the Good Friday lament, Wa Habibi.My Love, My Love What has befallen you? Who saw you and grieved for you, You who are righteous? My Love, what is the sin of our times and our children? These wounds have no cure. Previous Article Christianity in Iraq Seminar Day VI Next Article Fairouz sings the Passion of Christ