ISLAM – VATICAN OIC: interreligious dialogue as a condition for world peace – Asia News

The Embassy of Turkey to the Holy See releases a statement on the meeting between Pope Francis and the secretary general of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, focusing on the need for greater efforts to encourage religious pluralism and cultural diversity against the spread of fanaticism and prejudice. The communiqué also expresses concern for Syria, and stresses the “historic reconciliation” between Islam and Christianity.

Rome (AsiaNews) – The need for greater efforts to encourage religious pluralism and cultural diversity by fighting the spread of fanaticism and prejudice was the focus of Friday’s audience between Pope Francis and Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary general of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), which brings together 57 Muslim countries, this according to a statement released today by the Embassy of Turkey to the Holy See.

In the communiqué, Ihsanoglu shared with His Holiness his vision about the need for a “historic reconciliation” between Islam and Christianity “based on the [ir] common Abrahamic roots [. . .] in order to support multiculturalism and harmonious societies. His Holiness commended the proposal of the Secretary General and stressed the need to follow it up.”

The press release also “stressed” the point “that interreligious dialogue is a necessary condition for peace in the world, and as such it is a duty for adherents of all faith traditions.” Read the full report online here: ISLAM – VATICAN OIC: interreligious dialogue as a condition for world peace – Asia News