LEBANON – SYRIA Lebanon asks for Qatari help in Maaloula nuns affair – Asia News

The head of Lebanese security also wants information about the two Orthodox bishops abducted last April. Questions are addressed to Al-Jazeera with regards to the source behind the video released days ago showing the sisters “detained” by Islamist insurgents. Greek-Orthodox Patriarch Youhanna calls for prayers and actions to obtain the nuns’ release. Lebanese Minister criticises international community for not doing enough to deal with this abduction.

Beirut (AsiaNews) – Abbas Ibrahim, head of Lebanon’s General Directorate of General Security, has been in Doha (Qatar) for the past two days to secure the release of the Orthodox nuns held hostage by Islamist insurgents who took them from their monastery in Maaloula to Yabroud, further north.

Abbas Ibrahim is also tasked with information gathering with regards to Boulos Yazigi and Youhanna Ibrahim, respectively the Greek-Orthodox and Syrian Orthodox bishops abducted near Aleppo in April about whom nothing is known at present.

Lebanon is hoping that Qatari mediation can be as effective as it was two months ago, when some Lebanese Shia pilgrims detained at Aazaz (Syria) were released thanks to Qatari and Turkish intervention.

Read the full report here:

LEBANON – SYRIA Lebanon asks for Qatari help in Maaloula nuns affair – Asia News