Mary & The Temple – 2013 Temple Studies Group Symposium

Mary and the Temple

Symposium VII will be held on Saturday 15 June 2013 in the Temple Church, 10am-4pm. Booking in advance is essential. The cost for the day is £35, or £5 for students with proof of status. Payment is made on the day of the symposium by cash or cheque only. Registration from 9.30am.


Archbishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate of the Armenian Church in Great Britain and Ireland – Mary in the Apocryphal Documents preserved in Armenian

Aidan Hart, ikon maker – Mary and the Temple in Ikons

Prof John Hall, Brigham Young University, Utah – The Lady in the Temple before the Hebrews: Hathor of Egypt

Dr Laurence Hemming, University of Lancaster – The Disappearance of Mary in the Temple: An Ambiguity in the Latin Liturgy

Dr Margaret Barker, Temple Studies Group – The Lady known to Isaiah