New Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans Appeals to Faithful Not to Flee

By John Pontifex, Aid to the Church in Need

ROME, March 07, 2013 thanks to – THE new leader of the largest
Church in Iraq has told his dwindling faithful to stop emigrating,
warning them that Christianity in the Middle East risks becoming “a distant

Speaking yesterday (Wednesday, 6th March) at his installation
as Chaldean Patriarch of Baghdad, Louis Raphael I Sako said Christians
in Iraq should overcome their fears and work together to build a new

Raphael I, whose election as head of the Eastern-rite Catholic
Church was confirmed by Benedict XVI on 1st February, called for a
dialogue “of peaceful coexistence” with Muslim leaders at a time of increasing
concern about extremism and violence.

In his address, a copy of which he sent to Catholic charity Aid to
the Church in Need, the patriarch, 64, stressed the need to work for unity with
Orthodox Christians in regions marked by ecumenical tensions in recent years.

In comments aimed specifically at Christians present at the
service in Baghdad’s St Joseph’s Cathedral, the patriarch said: “Why
are you so afraid today?

“Do not withdraw or emigrate in time of great pressure. This is
your country and your land.

“If emigration continues God forbid, there will be no more
Christians in the Middle East. [The Church] will be no more than a distant

The patriarch’s comments, given on the eve of the
10th anniversary of the Iraq War and the overthrow of President Saddam
Hussein, come after a decade of massive emigration of Christians from the

In 1987, Christians in Iraq totalled 1.4 million
according to the last census, but now there could be fewer than 250,000, with
the greatest decline in numbers taking place after 2003.

Since 2003, fundamentalism and a breakdown in law and order have
shaken the Church to its foundations.

More than 700 Christians had been killed (including 17 priests) in
religious and politically motivated attacks and 71 churches attacked – 44
in Baghdad and 19 in Mosul.

The biggest crisis of confidence for Christians came after the
31st October 2010 attack on Baghdad’s Our Lady of Salvation Syrian Cathedral
during Sunday evening Mass, when 45 people were killed (including two priests)
and 100 were injured in a four-hour siege.

Asking Christians to draw a line under the past, Patriarch Raphael
told them: “These past years have been full of events and dangers and still the
shadow of fear, anxiety and death is hanging over our people.”

He told his faithful: “Change your view of yourselves and your

“Look deeper into the reality we face today and understand the
importance of your presence and witness.

“Live together and build a future for yourselves in your country.”

Patriarch Raphael, who was Archbishop of Kirkuk (2003-13) after
being rector of St Peter’s Seminary, Baghdad, stressed the need for

He said: “… The world around us has changed and we must change.
The Church should change.

“So we will renew our liturgy, our method of religious instruction
and update our ecclesiastical structures with courage and clarity according to
the Second Vatican Council.

“This renewal is aimed at helping the faithful’s understanding and
participation in the Christian way of life and their attachment to Christ and
his Church.”


John Pontifex is the UK Head of Press for
Aid to the Church in Need.