Patriarch: Inter-religious relations in Serbia “harmonious” : A Russian Orthodox Church Website

Serbian Patriarch Irenei has been in Indonesia lobbying local Islamic leaders in a Muslim power not to recognise the declaration of independence of Kosovo/Kosove, largely populated by Albanians, most of whom are Muslim, but with its noted historical presence of Serbs, including an outstanding heritage of monasteries (among which is the former patriarchal residence). Many Serbs from Kosovo-Metohija fled in the hope of resettling elsewhere in Serbia, but have found the welcome and support uneven or they have even faced open discrimination as a minority.

He remarks that Kosovo’s problems are not religious but national. But there does need to be a a great deal of peace-making and reconciliation between people that respects their national and ethnic identity, as well as their religious history and belonging. The problems will not be resolved solely or first through arguing about territorial rights and borders -surely this has to grow out of restorative justice, truth and honesty about  the past rather than living through it repeatedly, and the healing of memories.

Patriarch: Inter-religious relations in Serbia “harmonious” : A Russian Orthodox Church Website