Patriarch Kirill of Moscow greets Pope Francis

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s greeting to the new Primate of the Roman
Catholic Church

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His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia congratulated the
Pope of Rome, Francis, on his election as the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
The text is given below.

To His Holiness Francis, Pope of Rome

Your Holiness:

I congratulate you on your election to the eminent and responsible position
of being the First Hierarch of the Roman Catholic Church.

Under your predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, the relationships between our
churches received a new momentum and were characterized by a positive
dynamism. I sincerely hope that Your Holiness would promote co-operation between
our two churches in the spirit of brotherly love and mutual understanding.

At your accession to the papacy you chose the name Francis, which recalls
famous Catholic saints who have served as an example of sacrificial devotion to
alleviating people’s suffering and zealous preaching of the Gospel. In your
choice one can see your desire to continue to care for the poor and the
afflicted, which you showed in compassion and love over the many years of your
service in Argentina, carrying the message of Christ crucified and risen to the
modern world.

This same mission is now a priority for the Russian Orthodox Church, opening
the possibility for co-operation and interaction with the Roman Catholic

Orthodox and Catholics should be determined to combine their efforts to
protect harassed and persecuted Christians in various parts of the world, as
these people need our support and aid. We need to labour together for the
affirmation of traditional moral values ​​in modern secular societies.

Please accept, Your Holiness, my best wishes for peace, spiritual strength
and physical vigour, so that the generous support of God would come to you in
the carrying out of your responsible ministry.

With fraternal affection in the Lord,


Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia