St Irenaeus of Lyon Working Group – 6th Annual Session

The working group of St. Irenaeus of Lyon was established in 2004 at the Johannes Moehler Institute in Paderborn, after the official dialogue between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches was paused. Since then, every year 25 leading ecumenical theologians of the Orthodox and Catholic world gather in one of the European cities for discussion of theological and topical issues, not least the question of primacy in the Church at both regional and universal levels.

It focuses its attention on theological issues which can facilitate the official dialogue between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. In spite of the fact that the official negotiations have meanwhile resumed, these leading theologians continue their dialogue in support. It has two co-chairpersons – Catholic and Orthodox, the latter now being the representative of the Orthodox
Church of Antioch in Paris, Bishop John.

The Kyiv meeting of the St. Irenaeus of Lyon Working Group from November 4th will last three days.