UN recognises Palestine status: response from Patriarch Gregorios

stock of the historic vote in the UN

grant observer status to the Palestinian state

Gregorios III says,

Palestinian case is my Arab Christian and Muslim cause”


Patriarch Gregorios III greatly appreciated the UN resolution granting observer status to the
Palestinian state
. He said: “Thank God, who waits
but never forgets.” He also thanked the countries that voted for the
resolution, whilst censuring countries voting against it, some of which seek to
be in the defending vanguard of nations’ freedom and dignity.

“As Patriarch of Antioch and All the
East, of Alexandria and Jerusalem,” added Laham, “Palestine is part of my
patriarchal territory. I was bishop and patriarchal vicar there in Jerusalem
for twenty-six years, so I am overjoyed on this historic day, because Palestine
is my Arab Christian and Muslim cause. I’d like to congratulate
beloved Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for his courage, determination, consistency
and reasoning- power. I’d like to congratulate the Palestinian nation and I
hope that they will reunite around this recognition and work together for a
better future.
I repeat that resolving this Israeli-Palestinian
conflict is the key to peace
, democracy and independence in the whole
region, even to the Syrian crisis. The problem of emigration, especially Christian emigration, is directly
related to resolving this conflict
. I reiterate my
there can be no peace in the Middle East
without peace in Jerusalem; no peace in
the world without the peace of Jerusalem
, and without
resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

“I should like to take
this opportunity to invite

Palestinians to dialogue. We hope this
stage will be the preliminary to further stages. We should like to thank the international
for their decision and attitude, and we should like this purely legal measure to be imbued with the Spirit.
Reconciliation is the spiritual guarantee for
the letter
of the law not to kill
. (cf. 2 Corinthians 3: 6) What
has happened today is not just a gift
, but rather a right; plain justice and a step in the right direction.This is the real road map. We repeat
our gratitude
for the courage of
the Palestinian President
, who clearly demonstrated the existence of the
state of Israel. In return, Israelis have to understand this
bold, dignified message from President Abbas.

“We are persuaded that halting
settlements in Palestinian territories would be an effective contribution towards
negotiations, which should begin forthwith. The duty of the
international community, especially the group of four, is to accompany this
process to establish Palestinian rights.”

Source: Melkite Greek
Catholic Patriarchate, Rabweh