What Is the Future for Iraq’s Last Christians? – Patriarch of Babylon

ROME, February 28, 2013 thanks to Zenit.org

Patriarch Louis Raphaël I Sako of
the Chaldean Church, the archbishop of Baghdad, told Catholic charity Aid to
the Church in Need that Christians are continuing to leave Iraq for a number of
reasons, but the key factor is the lack of security.

The patriarch, who was elected Jan. 31, said: “They are
leaving the country because there is no stability. Another reason is the rise
of fundamentalism.

“Christians have lost their trust in the future. They are

Patriarch Raphaël added that “security and
freedom” were the most important issues for the survival of the Church in

“When they feel secure, free and equal with the others, they
will stay, otherwise they will leave.”

According to Church sources, Christians in Iraq have plummeted
from 1.4 million in 1987 to perhaps fewer than 250,000 today.

Many Christians who fled initially to the north of Iraq have since
departed there as well, unable to find jobs or housing or because they have
been reluctant to settle in a region that continues to experience sporadic acts
of violence.

Bomb attacks in Kirkuk and Tuz Khurmatu last month left at least
30 people dead and more than 200 wounded. The violence was politically

The leader of Iraq’s Chaldeans said: “Security is also needed
for non-Christians, but they are the majority and normally they belong to
tribes, giving them more protection.”

Even in the north, Christians have been targeted by Islamists –
although events such as the mass torching of Christian-owned business in Zakho
in December 2011 are rare.

Patriarch Raphaël said: “Fundamentalism does not
accept Christians. … Extremists think that the reason for their predicament
is the West, i.e. Christians.”

He added: “The whole situation is bad. There is tension
between the government and the opposition, also between the central government
and the Kurdish regional government.

“Everyone is waiting for an improvement. We hope for a real
reconciliation between the partners.”

Patriarch Raphaël said that Christians are important in
helping to provide cohesion in an unstable region.

Speaking to Catholic media agency AsiaNews earlier this month, he
said: “The Pope appealed to me so that we remain, as in the past, a bridge
for all, between Christians and Muslims and between Iraqi citizens.

“Among other things, I brought the greetings of two imams, a
Shiite and a Sunni, and he was pleasantly surprised and thanked them.”

The new Chaldean leader described to ACN how Pope Benedict XVI
welcomed him: “He said: ‘My congratulations and my prayers. I am happy
that the fathers of the synod were united. I hope you can stimulate the
dialogue in your country.’”

“Please pray for the unity of churches and Christian
politicians,” the patriarch said, “that we can work together as one
team and devise a concrete strategy to keep Christians in their homes and