16 January 2025: An error in the Eothinon numbers for January through April has been corrected.
A parish priest recently requested a 2025 version of our Anno Mundi 7533 (Anno Domini 2024/25) Byzantine liturgical calendar, which we are pleased to make available to all.
The menologion, as it is known in Greek, follows the Gregorian calendar for both the solar and lunar year and features feasts and rankings as used by the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, with readings and fasting guidelines according to the traditional rule of the Typikon of Saint Sabbas (sixth century).
A helpful addition to this calendar is the numbering of the Sunday Eothinon for Orthros (Matins), which points the reader to the relevant Resurrection Gospel and propers for that week. Owing to the international popularity of our 2024/25 calendar, we have not included additional British and Irish saints in this version.
As previously, the rankings of the calendar follow the new menologion published in Kyïv on 17 October 2023. It is worth noting that some of the feasts are assigned a different ranking than previously.
Download a PDF of the calendar by clicking the image below: