Congratulations to Professor Allen Brent: Christopher Morris Lecturer 2012

The Revd Dr Allen Brent, a priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, has a distinguished academic career in both Britain and Australia as a scholar of Early Christianity and Theology in Classical Culture, as well as in its lessons for the Church of the present day. Shortly after his ordination in the Catholic Church, he was appointed Professore Invitato at the Augustinianum, the Patristics Institute at the Lateran University, in Rome, whereby he also runs an annual course for his doctoral students at King’s College, London, in collaboration with the British School at Rome.

We warmly congratulate him on his new appointment as Professor of Early Christian History and
Iconography at King’s College, London.

Fr Brent will deliver the Society’s 2012 Christopher Morris Lecture, on Wednesday 14th November, at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Duke Street, London W1 at 7 pm:

Culture and Mission in Eastern and Western Catholicism – Can Bishops Represent Cultures rather than Territories?

Please email us if you would like to receive an invitation.