Christianophobia – New Book by Rupert Shortt

Two Hundred Million
Christians Under Threat

Review by Father John Flynn, LC

ROME, NOV. 23, 2012  thanks to –
More Christians are under threat than any other faith group, some two hundred
million, according to a recent book published by journalist Rupert Shortt.

Shortt, the religious editor of the Times Literary Supplement and
author of several books on religious topics, recently published his latest
book, “Cristianophobia,” (Random House).

Well before the September 11 attacks, many Christian communities
were faced with severe problems of intolerance, he noted in the book’s
introduction, and in the last decade the problem has worsened dramatically.

“This ought to be a major foreign policy issue for governments
across a vast belt of the world,” he stated.

Shortt highlighted the many difficulties faced by Christians in a
large number of Muslim-majority countries. Those who convert to Christianity in
such countries face harsh penalties and there is also a risk that Christian
churches will vanish from their biblical heartlands in the Middle East, he

He cited a 2008 survey carried out by Freedom House which demonstrates
that while some religiously free Muslim countries do exist, such as Senegal,
they are the exception.

“Is there a problem with Islam or such?” Shortt asked.
There are elements of Islam that do justify violence, but he also judged that
selective quotation from the Qur’an does not prove a great deal.

It is the case, however, he continued that the right to criticize
the dominant faith is more limited than in Christianity. As well, Islam has not
developed as Christianity did by becoming more self-critical and tolerant.

His book, Shortt specified, is not based on a premise of a
supposed clash of civilizations, and he was not uncritical of Christianity’s
shortcomings in the past.

Faith, he pointed out, has mobilized millions of people to work
for democracy and support human rights, as well as working to relieve human
suffering. It has also, however, played a part in civil wars and conflicts.

Arab Spring

Egypt is one of the countries examined by Shortt and he pointed
out that the fall of former president Hosni Mubarak did not bring any relief to
the difficulties faced by Christians.

After documenting a large number of cases of persecution in the
years prior to the Arab Spring Shortt went on to describe various episodes of
anti-Christian acts following the overthrow of the government in Egypt.

In another chapter Shortt looked at the situation in Iraq, saying
that few Christian populations have suffered as acutely as Iraq’s in recent
years. The difficulties have led to an exodus of Christians, whose numbers in
Iraq have gone from an estimated 1.2 million to fewer than 200,000.

It would be wrong to think that Saddam Hussein’s regime protected
Christians, he argued, as Christians suffered displacement and discrimination
in past decades. The situation did, however, worsen dramatically after the
American invasion in 2003 with both clergy and the Christian faithful being
targeted by extremists.

By early 2011 no less than sixty-three churches had been bombed or
invaded since 2003.

Many in the West are ignorant of the rich history of Christianity
in the region, Shortt commented. For many centuries Iraq had a flourishing
Christian community with a rich cultural life and a large number of churches
and monasteries, but the prospects are now very bleak for Christians.


Turkey, Pakistan, Nigeria and Indonesia are other countries
covered by book, but Shortt also looked at some non-Muslim majority nations. He
chronicled the many acts of persecution faced by Christians in India as well as
harsh government restrictions in China.

Shortt also briefly examined some other countries such as Cuba and
Venezuela. In relation to Cuba he noted that one resemblance between Muslim
governments and communism is the denial of alternative sources of authority.

The situation of Christians has improved in recent years he
admitted, but Cuba cannot yet be classified as an open society.

Shortt argued in his conclusions that injustices committed against
Christians are under-reported. In part, he said this is due to a conventional
wisdom that considers religion as a greater cause of conflict than other

Since many hold that religion is an irrational source of violent
behavior sympathy for the plight of believers is withheld. Shortt also judged
that in some former colonies of Western nations Christianity is seen by some to
be an offshoot of imperial power and that Christians in countries such as Pakistan
are viewed as some kind of anomaly.

Shortt finished on a mildly optimistic note, expressing the hope
that just as Christianity has evolved so too will Islam. To what extent this
will happen is hard to say, he admitted, but he concluded by affirming the virtue
of hope. It is a virtue that many Christians are going to need in large doses
as they continue to face very difficult circumstances.