Encyclical On Ecumenism and the Recent Meeting Between the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Pope in Jerusalem

After the meeting of Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew in Jerusalem, Metropolitan Nicholas of Mesogaia and Lavreotiki says no more “yelling with offensive tones against the West” (by which he means the Western Catholic Church), and then describes Catholicism as “papal cacodoxy”, adding for good measure “the West has been swimming in a sea of corrupted morals, delusions and heretical beliefs”, “the organised deception of the Unia” [was he asleep at Balamand?], and “the West has lost its faith”, before calling on the West to “humbly confess its doctrinal aberrations and its need to return to the “fullness of truth” ” (ie modern Orthodoxy).

Meanwhile, people with something constructive to say are painstakingly conducting dialogues and encounters to resolve our differences and estrangement.

Read the full pious encyclical here on MYSTAGOGY: An Encyclical On Ecumenism and the Recent Meeting Between the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Pope in Jerusalem

Also, see Fr Thomas Hopko on how only Rome, not modern Orthodoxy, needs to change for there to be unity here.