In Memoriam Archbishop Salim Ghazal,
B. S.
(7 July 1931-29 April 2011)
Funeral Oration, preached on 2 May, 2011, at St. Nicholas’
Cathedral, Saida, Lebanon,
for my brother, friend and companion on the way,
Archbishop Salim Ghazal of happy memory,
Titular Archbishop of Edessa in Osrhoene,
Emeritus Curial Bishop of Antiochia and Emeritus Patriarchal
“Today is the day of Resurrection… the Pascha of the Lord!”
It is also Archbishop Salim’s Pascha or Passover (Pesach). Jesus is risen and
has brought our brother Salim “from death to life, and from earth to heaven.”
Father Salim, as it were, speaks to the risen, living Jesus, saying, “Yesterday,
O Christ, was I was buried with thee, and today I rise again with thy rising.
Yesterday I was crucified with thee. Glorify me with together with thyself, O
Saviour, in thy Kingdom.” (Paschal
Canon, various)
Today we are met together, dear brothers and sisters, my brother
bishops, members of our Holy Synod, representatives of various beloved Churches,
Father General John Faraj of the Basilian Salvatorian Order – of which this
very worthy son, was formerly Father General – relatives, friends, Your Excellencies
the sheikhs and ulemas, Your Excellencies, the ministers and members of
Parliament, representatives of the army and security forces, brothers and
sisters, sons and daughters of this resistant South, sons and daughters of this
archeparchy of Saida, with, at their head, Archbishop Elie Beshara (Haddad) of
Saida and Deir al Qamar, and beside him the bishops of this region, companions
of the way of our Archbishop Salim, who has quit this perishable earth for an
eternal country.
Brothers and sisters, I am here before you, saying, in your name,
“Until we meet again.” I am bidding farewell to a monk, my brother in the
religious, monastic life, in the Order of the Holy Saviour, our very dear
“mother,” farewell to a brother, an itinerant apostle. Our way together began
in 1961, after my return from Rome. We walked some way together, in the Shouf, east
of Saida, as far as the border of Southern Lebanon.
Farewell to a brother and companion of the way in social work in this
region! He was alongside me in founding the Salvatorian Social Union, the Home
for Girls, and indeed the Providence Home, and the Apostolic and Religious
Training Centre.
Farewell to the Superior General of the Basilian Salvatorian Order!
After having finished his term of office, he returned immediately to the work
of the apostolate, as before, the work that he preferred above all. After that
he founded the Dialogue and Development Centre, right beside the Providence
Farewell to my Patriarchal Auxiliary! I wanted him to be beside me,
right from the first year of my patriarchal service. He was the first bishop
that I consecrated. I laid my hand on his head for the episcopal consecration
on the Eve of the Transfiguration and Feast of Holy Saviour, (5 August) 2001.
After he had resigned for health reasons, he returned with the strength and
enthusiasm of youth to his preferred work, to become once again an itinerant
apostle, whence he had first set out, on the way of people, on the way of God
and man.
In the verses of Holy Scripture, the living Word of God, especially in
the Gospels and the Epistles of Saint Paul, we find the finest, most eloquent
and apt verses to describe the way of this monk, priest and bishop, this
teacher and friend of children and young people, this apostle of peace and
love, dialogue and understanding, living together, respect, fellowship, inclusive
participation, reconciliation, this go-between at frontiers and checkpoints,
bridge-builder, saviour of deprived detainees and victims of injustice, this fiery
preacher, speaking the word of truth, frank and brave, without counting the
cost. He was alongside every man, no matter of what party or religion, stance
or viewpoint, with sincerity, frankness, veracity and absolute impartiality. He
was the faithful friend who loved others.
Our dear departed brother bishop found the best guidance in the Word
of God, the guide for his Christian religious, priestly and episcopal life. He
said to Jesus, like Saint Peter, full of enthusiasm, “To whom shall we go,
Lord, for thou hast the words of life.” (John 6: 68) And for his part, he heard the words of
Jesus guiding him in all the stages of his life. He read, “Go ye into all
the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16: 15) Take nothing for your journey, no
staves nor anything else with you. (cf. Matthew 10: 10) Go and find the lost sheep. (cf. Matthew 18: 12) Go into
the villages; go everywhere. (cf.
Mark 11: 2) That was his preferred work, to go into the villages. “I
am the good shepherd; the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” (John 10: 11) (There was a
lovely photograph of him when young, carrying a lamb in his arms.) Another
saying was his guide in life: “For me to live is Christ, and to die is
gain.” (Philippians 1: 21)
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his
friends.” (John 15: 13)
And he heard the words of Saint Paul, “Preach the word; be instant in
season, out of season…” (2
Timothy 4: 2) “Yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel.” (1 Corinthians 9: 16) “I am
made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” (1 Corinthians 9: 22)
And with Saint Paul, he said, “I have fought a good fight, I have
finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a
crown of righteousness, which the Lord…shall give me.” (2 Timothy 4: 7-8) And despite
illness and suffering, he remained until the end on that course. He struggled
for the Word of God, and I heard that at the end of his life, he said to his
companion, Father Sharbel in the hospital, “I’ve fulfilled my mission,” like
Jesus, who said on the cross, “It is finished.” (John 19: 30) All is finished.
Thank you for the care that was given at the hospital, Dr. Ghassan
Hammoud and all the doctors.
We, now in the church, with the verses of Scripture and the Divine
Liturgy, say the last farewell to our friend the Archbishop, “Blessed be the
way that thou hast taken, for the God of Peace is with thee.” May the Christ whom
thou hast loved and served in these brothers and sisters of all Muslim and
Christian denominations, give thee rest, our father and brother bishop, in the
city of the living. May he open for thee the doors of Paradise and make thee a
fellow-citizen of his Kingdom. May he grant thee forgiveness of thy sins, since
thou art a lover of Christ.
Brothers and sisters, accept my condolences, to each and all in your
position, especially relatives, friends, brothers and sisters, and the Basilian
Salvatorian Order, and may the soul of Archbishop Salim be with the saints.
Accept brother Salim, these words of condolence, this funeral oration, from your
loving brother monk and Patriarch. Until we meet again. May thy memory be
eternal, everywhere that thou hast loved and served!
Gregorios III, Patriarch
Translation from
French: V. Chamberlain