Gerasimos Makris: Two Special Lectures at the Centre for Eastern Christianity, Heythrop College

Aspects of the Politics of Church and State in Modern Greece

Tuesday 13 November 4-6.30

The Greek Orthodox Church and Muslim-Christian relations: some fractured vignettes from a sideshow Tuesday 20 November 4-6.30

Associate Professor Gerasimos Makris, Panteion University, Athens, Greece: Research Fellow at the Centre for Eastern Christianity, Heythrop College, University of London

Marie Eugenie Room. Open to all. There is no charge and no need to pre-register.


Gerasimos Makris has a special research interest in the Greek Orthodox Church and Christianity and Islam in the Arab World. His family origins are in the Greek community in the Middle East. Publications include:

hanging Masters: Spirit Possession and Identity Construction among the Descendants of Slaves in the Sudan, Northwestern University Press, 2000;Islam in the Middle East: A Living Tradition, Blackwell, 2006;

Islam: Practices, Beliefs and Trends (In Greek, enlarged edition), Patakis, 2012.

‘The Greek Orthodox Church in the Sudan” in O’Mahony, A. (ed.) Eastern Christianity: Studies in History, Politics and Religion, London, Melisende Press, 2004;

with D. Oulis and S. Roussos, ‘The Orthodox Church of Greece: policies and challenges under Archbishop Christodoulos of Athens (1998–2008)’, International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, (Special Issue guest edited by Charles Miller & A.O’Mahony: ‘Orthodox churches in contemporary contexts’) vol. 10, (2010) nos. 2–3, 192–210;

‘The Greek Orthodox Church and Africa: Missions between the Light of Universalism and the Shadow of Nationalism’, Studies in World Christianity, vol. 16, (2010). no. 3, 245-267.

For further information, please contact Heythrop College, University of London, Kensington Square,
London W8 5HN