Middle East – Synod of Bishops – Additional Participants

The Vatican has published the list of
additional participants for the forthcoming Special Assembly on the Catholic Church in the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops, appointed by Benedict XVI as President of the Synod.



— Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals.

— Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, major archbishop of Kyiv-Halych,

— Cardinal Walter Kasper, president emeritus of the Pontifical
Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

— Cardinal John Foley, grand master of the Equestrian Order of
the Knights of the Holy Sepulch er of Jerusalem.

— His Beatitude Michel Sabbah, retired patriarch of Jerusalem of
the Latins.

— His Beatitude Baselios Cleemis Thottunkal, major archbishop of
Trivandrum of the Syro-Malankars, India

— Archbishop Edmond Farhat, apostolic nuncio.

— Archbishop Riccardo Fontana, of Arezzo-Cortona-San Sepolcro,

— Archbishop Mounged El-Hachem, apostolic nuncio.

— Archbishop Cyril Vasil, secretary of the Congregation for the
Eastern Churches.

— Bishop Bohdan Dzyurakh, auxiliary of Kyiv-Halyc, Ukraine.

— Bishop Dimitrios Salachas, apostolic exarch for Greek Catholics
of Byzantine Rite resident in Greece.

— Bishop Bosco Puthur, curial bishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly of the
Syro-Malabars, India.

— Monsignor Archimandrite Robert L. Stern, secretary general of
the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA).

— Monsignor Mikael Antoine Mouradian, patriarchal vicar of the
Institute for the Patriarch al Clergy of Bzommar, Lebanon.

— Jesuit Father David Neuhaus, head of pastoral care for
Hebrew-speaking Catholics in the Patriarchate of Jerusalem of the Latins.


— Father Nicolas Antiba, archimandrite of the Greek-Melkite
Catholic Church in Paris, France.

— Comboni Missionary Father Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, president
of the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies in Rome.

— Father Jean Azzam, secretary of the episcopal theological and
biblical commission of the Assembly of Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops of Lebanon

— Father Hani Nasif Wasif Bakhoum Kiroulos, secretary to the
Coptic Catholic Patriarch, Egypt.

— Franciscan Father Claudio Giovanni Bottini, dean of the Faculty
of Biblical Studies and Archaeology in Jerusalem of the Pontifical
“Antonianum” University.

— Missionary of Africa Father Frans Bouwen, editor of the
magazine “Proche‑Orient Chretien.&qu ot;

— Monsignor Claude Bressolette, vicar general of the Ordinariate
for faithful of oriental rite resident in France and without their own ordinary.

— Father Nicola Bux, professor at the Theological Faculty of
Puglia, Bari, Italy.

— Conventual Franciscan Father Jalil Canli Hadaya, judicial vicar
of the apostolic vicariate of the Latins in Lebanon.

— Father Elias Daw, president of the ecclesiastical court of
appeal of the Greek-Melkite Catholic Church, Israel.

— Martino Diez, director of research at the International Oasis
Foundation, Italy.

— Jesuit Father Peter du Brul, founder of the department for
religious studies at the University of Bethlehem, Palestinian Territories.

— Salesian Father Pier Giorgio Gianazza, professor of theology at
the Salesian Theological Institute of Jerusalem.

— Father Rafic Edward Greiche, head of the press office of the
Catholic Church in Egypt.

— Paulist Father Gaby Hachem, assoc iate professor of
ecclesiology at the Faculty of Theology of “Saint-Esprit” University
at Kaslik, Lebanon.

— Jesuit Father Damian Howard, professor of theology at Heythrop
College of the University of London, England.

— Sister Eudoxie Kechichian, superior-general of the Armenian
Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Lebanon.

— Father Antoine Louis Mouawad Khalife, O.L.M., director-general
of “C.H.U. Notre Dame De Secours” at Jbeil‑Byblos, Lebanon.

— Monsignor Rafiq Khoury, pastor of “Bir Zeit,”
patriarchate of Jerusalem of the Latins.

— Father Hanna Kildani, professor of the modern history of
Christianity in the Holy Land, Jordan.

— Annie Laurent, member of the Association of Catholic Notaries
and of the International Union of the Francophone Press.

— Jesuit Father Philippe Luisier, professor of Coptic language
and literature at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome.

— Father Peter Madrous, doctor of biblical theology and biblical
studies in the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

— Monsignor Ermenegildo Manicardi, rector of Rome’s Almo Collegio

— Franciscan Father Frédéric Manns, ordinary professor of the
Faculty of Biblical Studies and Archaeology of the “Studium Biblicum
Franciscanum” in Jerusalem.

— Dominican Father Sameer Shaba Maroki, professor of oriental
spiritual theology at Babel College, Iraq.

— Capuchin Father Paolo Martinelli, president of the Franciscan
Institute of Spirituality at the “Antonianum” Pontifical Athenaeum in

— Graziano Motta, journalist of Vatican Radio.

— Sister Telesphora Pavlou, teacher of dogmatic theology at the
“Studio Teologico San Salvatore” in Jerusalem.

— Father Paul Rouhana, O.L.M., rector of the Faculty of Theology
of “Saint-Esprit” University at Kaslik, Lebanon.

— Jesuit Father Sa mir Khalil Samir, professor of the history of
Arab culture and Islamic studies at St. Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon.

— Father Selim Sfeir, judicial vicar of the eparchy of Cyprus of
the Maronites.

— Benedictine Father Mark Sheridan, member of the International
Association for Coptic Studies.

— Monsignor Salim Soussan, vicar general of the archieparchy of
Haifa and the Holy Land.

— Dominican Father Guy Tardivy, prior of the Dominican convent of
Saint-Etienne, the French biblical and archaeological school of Jerusalem.

— Dietmar Werner Winkler, director of the department of biblical
studies and ecclesiastical history at the University of Salzburg, Austria.


— Father Faez Alfrejatt, O.B.S., monk of the convent of the Holy
Saviour, Joun, Lebanon.

— Hanna Almasso, member of the national team of leaders of J.O.C.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

— Monsignor Michel Aoun, episcopal vicar of the eparchy of Beirut
of the Maronites, Lebanon.

— Anton R. Asfar, council member of the patriarchal exarchate of
Syro-Catholics of Jerusalem.

— Said A. Azer, member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

— Agostino Borromeo, governor general of the Equestrian Order of
the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

— Monsignor Philippe Brizard, director general emeritus of
“L’Oeuvre d’Orient.”

— Tanios Chahwan, president of the National Council of the Laity
in Lebanon.

— Hares Chehab, secretary general of the National Committee for
Islamic-Christian Dialogue, Lebanon.

— Jacques F. El Kallassi, director general of “Tele
Lumiere” and president of the managing board of “Noursat”,

— Amin Fahim, co-founder of the Christian Association of Upper

— Joseph Boutros Farah, president of Caritas International for the
Middle East and North Africa.

— Daniella Harrouk, SS.CC., super ior general of the Congregation
of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

— Marco Impagliazzo, president of the Sant’Egidio Community.

— Jocelyne Khoueiry, president of the lay movement “La
Libanaise‑Femme du 31 May”.

— Naguib Khouzam, director general of the SETI Centre ‑ Caritas

— Pilar Lara Alen, president of the Foundation for the Social
Promotion of Culture.

— Anan J. Lewis, professor of English poetry (Victorian and
modern), at the department of English of the University of Baghdad, Iraq.

— Regina Lynch, project director of Aid to the Church In Need.

— Sobhy Makhoul, secretary-general of the Maronite Catholic
exarchate of Jerusalem, the Palestinian Territories and Jordan.

— Rita Moussallem, member of the Focolari Movement.

— Huda Musher, director of Caritas Jordan.

— Sr. Clauda Achaya Naddaf, R.B.P. superior of the convent of
Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Go od Shepherd, Damascus, Syria.

— Father Georges Dankaye (Kevork Noradounguian), rector of the
Pontifical Armenian College in Rome.

— Father Raymond Leslie O’Toole, S.F.M., assistant to the
secretary general of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC).

— Father Rino Rossi, director of the “Domus Galilaeae”,

— Sister Marie-Antoinette Saade, of the Congregation of Maronite
Sisters of the Holy Family.

— Epiphan Bernard Z. Sabella, associate professor of sociology at
the University of Bethlehem, Palestinian Territories.

— Paul Saghbini, hospitaller of the Lebanese Association of the
Knights of Malta.

— Rudolf Wilhelm Maria Solzbacher, member of the presidency of
the “Deutsche Verein Vom Heiligen Lande.”

— Harald Suermann, head of the Middle Eastern section of

— Sister Karima Tamer Hendy Awad, R.B.P., provincial superior of
the Sisters of Our Lady of Cha rity of the Good Shepherd, Egypt.

— Christa Von Siemens, director of the commission for the Holy
Land of the Equestrian Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

— Husam J. Wahhab, president of Catholic Action of Bethlehem,
Palestinian Territories.